Monday, October 17, 2016

Words Matter #1

"A Tree Older Than Columbus Finally Succumbs"
NY Times
October 17, 2016

"It is a huge oak tree, now estimated to be 600 years old.  Arborists such as Rob Gillies consider it one of the oldest in North America.  It is a local landmark, right there in the cemetery of the Basking Ridge Presbyterian Church.

On Thursday, Mr. Gillies sliced into it with a chain saw."
Don't you just love contrast?  This is where a journalist can really shine--proposing an image and then abruptly changing the direction.  The writer wants you to feel for the tree, and it is the succinct "sliced into it" that makes the story come alive.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Words Matter.

I hope that you are all thinking about the power of journalism and storytelling.  Now that you may be starting to "think like a journalist," I'd like you to start following the news more closely.  Sure we talk about the news in class, but how is the news told to you?  Over the next month, I'd like you all to be on the hunt for beautiful sentences.  Just as we examined in class, I want you to read the news and discover language that speaks to you.

TASK: Please make 1 post a week (through the end of the quarter) in which you document and discuss journalism at its best.  Each post should include 1 or 2 sentences from an article that are particularly profound, a link to the whole article, and a brief analysis of why the material you selected speaks to you.  It's important that each article you choose is from the week in which you are posting.

A model will be posted shortly.

Happy Reading and Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

What is Journalism?

New Journalism

Journalism is no longer just newspapers and the evening news. Your task is to discover Journalism in all its forms. Pay close attention to anything that falls under the heading of "citizen journalism" or a new form of news gathering.

Your Task: Please locate a news site, news article, news blog, news video, subscription service, or any other means for discovering the news online or through social media. You may use a news website, but I encourage you to think beyond just a website. Your post should include a description of your findings, why it's relevant, and how this is different/similar to your definition of journalism. Link the source and comment on why you believe it falls under the heading of journalism. Once you are finished, you can earn more points by commenting on the thoughts of others in the class.

Product:  A link with one complete paragraph of explanation.

Due: Friday, September 16.  Please create a blog on blogger. Answer the question on your page and email the link to Mr. Neden.